viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020

March 20th Oxford time!

Good morning 2nd form!!

We're finishing a different and challenging week and you know what? We did it!!👍

Today let's practice some vocabulary seen in the Oxford book. Click on the word OXFORD to find the activity.

If the picture is too small for you, click HERE for a better look 👀

Have a wonderful day!!

4 comentarios:

  1. Good morning Miss Nati! We have a problem: the link in the word OXFORD goes to Dario's video, not to an activity. And the link in the word HERE is not working either :(

  2. Hola Naty el link nos manda al video de Dario! no podemos entrara a hacer la tarea.
    Un beso
    Sabri (mama de Oli)

  3. Hola a todos! pude arreglar parte del inconveniente. Si tocan donde dice OXFORD van a encontrar la actividad de hoy con las explicaciones, donde dice HERE era simplemente la foto (que ya esta en el documento PDF) solo que mas grande, eso no pude resolverlo. Estamos todos aprendiendo! jaja. Gracias por la paciencia!
